Nov 18, 2022: STTA Invades the Spoetzl Brewery!
Our fall drive was held 18 Nov 22 to the Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner Texas. STTA members gathered at the Lowe's located at O'Conner Road and I-35 in San Antonio and were joined by several members of the Jaguar club. We departed at 8:30 and followed a backroads route to Shiner Texas where we met up with friends from the Austin Healy club and fellow Triumphiles from The Hill Country Triumphs in Austin. As usual, the Spoetzl Brewery provided a great tour and samples of their variety of regular and seasonal beers.
Oct 29, 2022: South Texas All British Car Day
The festival was held October 29th at the Main StadtPlatz, 100 N Main St, Boerne, TX.
It was a beautiful day with a great turn out of British cars of all makes, with Triumph amply represented.